Friday, June 26, 2009

Glycolic Acid How Does It Benefit Your Skin? Posted By : Marilynn Syrett

Glycolic acid is the most active and beneficial form cystic acne cure alpha hydroxy acid. A natural derivative of sugar cane, glycolic acid has amazing exfoliating properties and is used extensively in skin care products. Popular sources of glycolic acid include the citric acid of lemon, orange and grapefruit extracts.

Acne is acne advanced treatment condition that affects a wide range of people, though it is more common in teenagers and young adults.

The cause of acne has also been attributed to a variety of reasons ranging from dietary, acne cure 3 days to even
environmental. Whatever the cause of acne the fact remains that when acne is not well managed or treated it becomes a problem. There are numerous acne treatment products available nowadays but a closer look at what we have available to us in our immediate surroundings will reveal unusual but effective acne cures.

This article brings to you 10 very effective acne home remedies:

1. Garlic

Here there are two methods which you can either use together or choose one. The first option is to crush two or more bulbs of garlic and apply it to the affected areas twice daily. The other option is to chew and swallow one or more bulbs of garlic daily. You just have to cope with the strong smell of garlic.

2. Egg White

Crack some eggs and remove the yolks, leaving only the egg whites. Beat these egg whites for some time and apply this to your face. Wait for fifteen minutes and wash off the egg whites from your face. The egg whites help to remove excess oil from your face, egg white also heals and rebuilds the skin.

3. Toothpaste

As far as I know no scientific findings have proven how toothpaste can actually cure, the spread of acne but it still remains one of the most widely used acne home remedies. It might be a acne cure 3 days of trial and discovery that made the toothpaste serve not only to clean the teeth but also as an unusual acne home remedy. Apply it directly to your acne before sleeping. This is believed to help control the swelling overnight. Just make sure that it is not the gel but the paste.

4. Baking Soda

It is widely available in all homes. Apart from its primary function in baking it is also good as a facial scrub. The purpose of a facial scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots. Add water to a small amount of baking soda and make a paste out of this. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off, and pat your face dry with a clean towel. Dont allow the baking soda to stay on your face longer than fifteen minutes.

5. Salt and Water

Prepare a salt solution by adding salt into warm water. Use the resulting solution to wash your face twice a day, morning and evening. This will remove the excess oil from your face.

6. Vinegar

Most people that use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider form of vinegar, you can also use plain old regular vinegar. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful when it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH, and absorb extra oil on your skin.
Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 2 or 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, rinsing it off after ten minutes.

7. Cucumber

Cucumber is capable of helping the digestive acne cure function normally. Since the digestive system is closely related with the health of the skin, it should help reduce acne breakouts.

8. Lime Lemon or Orange

Take your pick from any of these members of the citrus family. Lime and lemon are very rich in citric acid which is a very good exfoliator. You can also apply fresh lemon juice mixed with rose water in your face, leave it there for 15 minutes. A continuous application of this for 15 days will give you amazing results. Ground orange peel added with water to make a paste and applied to the acne can also make your face free of acne again. Lime combined with rose water is also a recommended acne home remedy. Just apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in the skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it stay for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should notice results soon.

10. Aloe Vera

This helps prevent acne scars it also heals acne spots. As you may know Aloe Vera is used in a wide variety of home remedies.

Visit for more natural skin care tips.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Yahoo! News

Dermatologist Dr Parul Kolhe gives you the lowdown on home remedies to beat acne.

Is it possible to cure acne without spending a dime? By using natural acne home remedies and by eating certain foods, it is possible to get really fast results. These natural methods don't have the side effects acne remedies antibiotics and synthetic drugs and can help you get rid of your acne quickly and safely.

In order to solve any problem you must first understand what is causing it.There are many factors that can cause acne. One of the factors is hormonal imbalance and more specifically the excessive production of androgens, in both men and women. Another factor is the build-up of toxins. Your body tries to get rid of acne cure toxins through the skin, which can result in acne.

Apart from internal factors there are also external factors that can contribute to acne breakouts, like bacteria. As you can see, acne is a complicated problem caused by multiple factors. To solve this problem you will have to attack it not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

How to cure acne from the inside:


    Foods that fight acne:
  • Fruits such as blueberries, grapefruit, apples and peaches
  • Vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli and spinach
  • Nuts and seeds such as flax seeds and pumpkin seeds
  • zits and carrot juice
  • Fiber-rich food

    Foods that cause acne:
  • Refined carbohydrates, like white flour and sugar
  • French fries, peanut butter and burgers
  • Junk food
  • Processed food

Psychological factors:

Acne is a very irritating skin condition that can cause embarrassment and stress. It is very important to reduce your stress levels, because too much stress can lead to the production of cortisol in you body. Cortisol is a harmful substance that can make your acne even worse.

    How to reduce stress:
  • Be optimistic. Refuse to dwell on your skin problem. Imagine yourself having a smooth and beautiful skin, after a successful acne treatment.
  • Take a long bath and pimples on your face one of the acne-fighting facial masks that are listed below. This way you can both relax and fight acne at the same time.
  • Exercise! Many studies have proved that exercise can fight depression, not to mention the fact that it can help your body get rid of toxins, which contribute to acne.

How to cure acne from the outside:

    Acne home remedies:
  • Mix of lemon juice and rosewater: this facial mask can do wonders for your skin and has a wonderful smell as well. Mix fresh lemon juice and rosewater, apply it on your face using a cotton pad and wash it off after half an hour.
  • Egg white: this mask can tighten your skin and make large pores appear smaller. Apply egg white on the acne-affected areas and rinse it off after 20 minutes with cool water.
  • Toothpaste: apply it on the affected area. Toothpaste can greatly reduce the swelling and redness of pimples.
  • Ice: place an ice cube on the pimple for a few minutes to reduce the swelling.
  • Honey: mix a teaspoon of honey with lemon juice. Remove the mask with water after 20 minutes.
  • Raw potato: it can nourish your skin and reduce the swelling.
  • Cucumber: make a cucumber paste and leave it on your face for 30 minutes. This mask can nourish your skin and help it to calm down.
  • Almond oil: this amazing oil can prevent and even cure acne scars.

Apart from the face, acne often appears on other parts of the body, like the acne remedies the arms, the neck and the back. You can apply some of these home remedies to these areas as well.

    Daily care tips:
  • Never squeeze or pick a pimple. If you do, you will spread the bacteria all over your face and cause even more acne breakouts.
  • Always clean your face before going to bed.
  • Keep your hair off your face. Sometimes bacteria can be transferred from your hair to your face and make the situation worse.
  • Avoid wearing oil-based makeup, because it can clog your pores. Prefer to use a water-based makeup.

Acne doesn't have to be a part of your life. By following these tips, you will notice some significant improvement on your skin condition very soon!

Katerina Papantoniou has managed to get rid of acne once and for all. Visit Mr X Acne Says to learn more about the method she used. At you can also download a FREE EBOOK full of tips against acne.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Acne Anti Aging Skin Care

Although there are different kinds of treatments, procedures and surgery that can assist in improving the look of your skin, it is important that you look after your skin pimples start with. If you are unhappy with how gravity, the sun and everything else seems acne treatments be changing your skin's appearance, here are some tips and facts will assist you:

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips and Facts:

* EXERCISE: Although acne remedies is vital to your health and great skin, it won't change the structure of your skin as it gets older. The look of your skin is determined mostly by genetics and sun exposure.

* COSMETICS: As you age you need to use both lighter colored cosmetics and lighter hair colors. These are more flattering to your skin tone and can keep you looking and feeling younger.

* MENOPAUSE: As you go through menopause, it's very common to find that the skincare products you once relied on are no longer as effective. For example, the hormonal changes associated with menopause often leave skin feeling drier than before. Try a richer moisturizer to see if it makes a difference.

* SUNBEDS: Contrary to popular belief, sunbeds are not a safer way to tan. Sunbeds emit UVA rays and causing tanning and aging of the skin .They may also be important in the development of melanoma. If you're using a sunbed, you're accelerating the aging of your skin and increasing your risk of skin cancer. Read more on Acne Anti Aging Skin Care.

* LIPSTICK: Did you know that your lipstick helps your lips look younger and protects them? It's true. Using lipstick, helps protect your lips from harmful rays. It's one of the reasons men are more apt to get lip cancer - so men slap on the lip protection!

* YOUR EYES: Don't forget your eyes! Long-term sun exposure can lead to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. So as you head out the door, be sure to grab your sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, or both!

* WATER: Drinking water is not enough! While many people believe that drinking a lot of water will help keep their skin smooth and supple, in truth, water consumption has only a small effect. A better approach to keeping your skin at its best is to drink plenty of water and use a moisturizer daily.

* SLEEP: Get your beauty rest! It's actually true - a good night's sleep is one of the best ways to keep your skin looking its best. For a healthy and glowing complexion, get plenty of sleep, maintain a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly.

* CELLULITTE: Hate your cellulite? You are not alone. Drinking water and exercising unfortunately doesn't make it go away although having a less body fat does help. There are creams and procedures available that can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Talk to your dermatologist if it really bugs you.

Have you heard about homemade acne remedies that work? Have you been suffering from acne for days now and it seems impossible for you to get rid of it? Well, I've got real solutions for you to try out. These remedies are tested and proven to alleviate and eliminate forms of acne that are affecting millions of people from all sexes, skin types, and acne Read on.

Apples and Honey

Facial masks containing apples and honey are believed to treat acne. To apply these, start creating a paste of apple and mix it with honey. The honey must only be 3 to 4 tablespoons. Apply the well mixed solution to the affected areas of your skin gently. For better results, let it stay for about 15 acne cure and if done, rinse your face well, but don't use cold water. Pick warm water, instead.

Glycerin and sorbitol cleansers

These two elements are said to be capable of keeping one's skin clean. They can eliminate skin oil, which is but one of the main causes of acne. To try these homemade acne remedies, just buy a soap that is glycerin-based, or a cleanser that is sorbitol-based.

Before applying any of these solutions, wash your face first. Use the glycerin-based or the sorbitol-based cleanser to get rid of oils. What's good about these remedies is that they don't leave your skin irritated or dried. Instead, they balance the level of acidity of your skin, making it difficult for all types of bacteria to proliferate and grow.


Toothpaste is also one of the most effective homemade acne remedies that experts commonly suggest. This solution must be applied, however, before going to bed. It works basically to reduce the swelling caused by acne. With this capability, it's no surprise to see a number of people using toothpastes to heal forms of acne.

Oatmeal mask

To many people, oat meal is just produced as food. But, without many of your realizing it, oatmeal can also serve different purposes. One of those is to heal acnes. It works to absorb skin oils, thus leaving your skin healthy and clean. However, just like the rest of the homemade remedies, apply only the right amount that your skin needs. Mix the oatmeal with water to create a thick paste. Apply it gently to your skin and let it stay for 10 to 20 minutes, and rinse your face with cold water after. For best results, apply the paste twice a day.

The above mentioned homemade acne remedies are proven to work well in eliminating forms of acne, making it possible for you to live your day perfectly without the bothering zits.

Davion is a healthy lifestyle advocate. Learn more about secret acne home remedies and how you can cure acne naturally from home. Also read another of his article on cheap and effective home remedies for acne.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Acne - (Cures for acne) Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Tip! Diet: There are acne parents who try to keep their kids away from junk food such as burger, pizzas, pastries, etc. It is a fact that these items are not healthy but neither do they contribute to acne growth.Acne, zits, pizza face. You’ve surely heard all acne remedies slang out there.

Acne begins as a whitehead or a blackhead. These are uninfected comedones. The gland is full of sebum and the gland is clogged. If treated at this stage, the acne will resolve easily without any scar. But many times it gets infected and becomes a big pimple full of pus. Stop that happening with these easy steps.

Acne- how it gets infected?

A bacterium called P.acnes lives on our skin. Normally this bacterium makes no harm to us. If this bacterium is given a warm close place full of sebum, it loves that and multiplies there. This happens in acne. The sebaceous gland is the ideal place for the bacteria in acne and the bacteria multiplies inside that. When white cells kill the bacteria, you see the pus filled acne. We should stop giving the bacteria a place to thrive. Let us see how.

1. Treat the blackheads and whiteheads immediately with either Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. They will both unclog the gland. Consult your doctor about using tretinoin at this stage itself. Use AHAs around the affected area to remove dead cells faster and remove the top affected layer of the skin. Your doctor will draw a treatment program for you.

2. Ask your doctor if you can get rid of acne a mild antibiotic along with other topical treatments to kill the bacteria before it grows. Kill all the bacteria before it multiplies. Generally we use antibiotic after getting infected. In this case, ask your doctor if you should use one as preventive.

3. Keep your hands clean and wash your face with a good acid balanced cleanser or an AHA based cleanser. Don't over clean the skin. Clean it two to three times a day. Don't touch the spots. That may zits them. Trying to remove the comedones may also infect them. Consult your doctor and if needed he/she will pull it out.

Stopping acne before it gets infected is the best way to avoid large-scale pimples and scars. To learn more about acne treatment at mild stage, click here-

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical get rid of acne Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article. is a big skin care guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to test your knowledge about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Treat Active Acne

Treat Active Acne you feel unhappy or angry about your acne?Get rid get rid of acne them permanently with acne PROVEN step by step method... without drugs, without typical acne treatments, and without any side effects.
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Click here to watch the video (00:20)
Submitted By: VideoHub
Tags:Acne Treat Pimple Cure Scar Health Girls Blackheads Breakouts Severe Cysts Clear Skin Effective Faces 
Categories: How To

The acne diet or more accurately, the acne-free diet, is simply a way of eating claims to improves or eliminates acne. There is some debate in the medical community about the impact of diet on acne; however, there is a body of evidence to support the idea that what is eaten may affect the skin.

By reviewing research from over 40 years, doctors such as dermatologist, Dean Goodless have developed a set of recommendations regarding foods that may prevent acne. In his book The Acne-Free Diet Plan, Dr. Goodless presents his recommendations. He suggests eating a diet low in fat and high in fiber along with avoiding peanut product, fried foods, excessive salt, dairy products, foods that are high in refined sugars, and high pimples foods.

As long as people have had pimples, there have been attempts to clear them up quickly or prevent them all together. Most cultures have folk remedies to help clear the skin. It wasn't until the last 50 years that serious scientific research has been conducted to confirm or disprove these folk tales and myths. One of the earliest studies about food and acne focused on chocolate. This study found that chocolate did not increase acne breakouts. Other studies since have confirmed this finding.

For the most part, acne treatment has been the emphasis of research; however, there have been isolated studies that explored the effect of specific vitamin and mineral supplements on acne. Other studies have investigated ethnic groups and communities from the
Possible causes of acne

* The hormone increase in teenage years (this can cause the oil glands to plug up more often)

* Hormone changes during pregnancy

* Starting or stopping birth control pills

* Heredity

* Some types of medicine

* Greasy makeup

Pacific Islands to Africa where there is little or no incidence of acne, even during puberty. When the diets of these people are compared to the typical Western diet, there are nutritionally significant differences. The ethnic groups with very low incidence of acne ate predominately acne remedies diets that were low in fat and virtually sugar-free. The typical Western diet is heavy in meats, saturated fat, refined sugar, and highly processed foods. By studying these differences, doctors and researchers have developed suggestions for dietary changes to improve or eliminate acne.

For more information on Diet and Fitness, visit my diet information here.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Smoothbeam Laser Acne and Acne Scar Treatment News Video

<img src="" align="right">clearwaves acne remedies Smoothbeam Laser Acne and Acne Scar Treatment News Video

If you are acne treatments for quick, easy ways to cure acne, look no further! These simple solutions will clear your skin and keep it looking beautiful.

First of all, the most irritating and unsightly thing about acne is the pus and impurities that are trapped in the pore. The juice from a raw (green) papaya will help reduce swelling immediately, and prevent the formation of pus. Using the juice, seed, and skin zits your face will remove whiteheads and leave your skin clear and beautiful.

Persistent pimples and acne can be cleared with garlic juice and water. Take about 3 or 4 pods of raw garlic, skinned and finely chopped, and soak it in milk for half an hour to remove the unpleasant smell. Then rub the mixture on your acne, and it will disappear.

The potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, and protein found in raw potatoes are extremely beneficial for the skin. Raw potatoes have enzymes in the pulp, and also Vitamin C and starch. Grate or shred the pulp of a raw potato and rub it on the skin to cure acne fast including pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Ripe tomato pulp acne cure vitamin C as well, and can be applied to the face for pimples to one hour. Doing this regularly will help keep skin clear and bright.

Lemon juice dabbed directly on a pimple just before bedtime will dry it up before morning, and also helps to prevent any unsightly scarring.

Experimenting with combinations of these tips will help you determine which methods are best for your own skin. Dont let acne ruin your appearance! Try these tips to clear it up today.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kid Acne

You should know that most acne scarring happen because of failed or inadequate using the right treatment methods. An acne scar is produced when you allowed the infection to progress before you tried to treat it. Commonly, the scar is caused by an inflamed a nodulocystic acne wherein your lesions penetrate deep into your skin, thereby affecting the skin tissues around it.

As soon as the infection heals, an acne scar results. If you happen to prick and squeeze your pimples, you run the risk of worsen the scars, as because these in turn cause further skin infection. They result to bleeding and tearing and producing those unwanted scars.

Acne scars happen to be very common. When you have unwanted acne scarring, you will most probably wonder how you can properly remove acne. There are a few proven methods to remove scarring and zits through natural means. Below are natural remedies that you may use.

* Allow time to pass. Needless to say, the most natural acne scar treatment is to wait it out for the acne scars to lighten on its own. The skin naturally sheds off old cells to regrow new ones.

* Nutritious Diet. Good diet effectively get rid of acne scars. The body is in need of protein to rebuild skin cells and remove acne scars. Some foods you should take in include tofu and all possible rich protein sources.

* Water therapy. Drinking lots of water is one of the best and most natural ways to naturally heal scars. Water hydrates the skin and fosters skin cell regrowth.

* Essential oils and herbs. Natural oils from tea tree and lavender are widely used to can promote skin regeneration. They also help in lightening scarring. In fact, these oils are used for a wide range of cosmetic purposes.

* Lemon juice. Citric acid in oranges and lemons are works well in removing dead skin cells.

To know more ideas on natural ways of removing acne scars, you can visit

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Acne Scar Treatment - 3 Secrets To Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast

Getting rid of acne scar is not an easy and short process at all. It requires time and consistency if you are going zits remove them using home remedies instead of surgery. I acne be showing you some of the most popular and effective home remedies you can use today to fade away your acne scar in less than a month.

First of all, there are different kinds of acne scar but all of these remedies can treat them all. Below are 3 home remedies you can begin using today. Please use them every day for faster result.

1. Using Ice Cubes.

This is by far the easiest and fastest way to fade away your scar. When you rub ice on your scar, the coldness makes it less noticeable and acne treatments removes the damaged tissue little by little. Just rub an ice cube on your scar for 5 minutes each day. You can even use this remedy to make your acne look less noticeable.

2. Using Honey

Honey is a great remedy for acne cure sore throat, sleeping problem, and even headache. Simply rub a little honey onto your scar at night when you're off to bed. When you wake up in the morning to wash it off, you will be amazed. Do this every day for maximum effect. This remedy also works in treating and preventing acne as well.

3. Using Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice helps in lightening the scars and blemishes of the skin. Lemon also has Vitamin C and other nutrients to help make your skin look healthier too. get rid of acne you need to do is rub a little lemon juice onto your scar each day and then wash it off 10-30 minutes later.

So there you have it, 3 of the best home remedies you can use to remove your acne scar. Apply it consistently and you will see result in 2-3 weeks. If you're looking to never get acne scar again, then the best thing to do is to never get acne. You can learn all about getting rid of acne and being acne free for life below.

Visit to download a copy of "Acne Free in 3 Days" if you need to get rid of your acne fast and naturally.

Thanks to new developments and new understanding of the field of acne treatment, it is possible to become acne free. In many instances, natural remedies can help to win the battle.The dream of ...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Treating Acne - Tips For Treating Acne & Acne Scars!

Acne is the by-product of greasy or oily skin, which leads to blocked pores and eventually acne. The best way of treating acne cure is prevention. However, at some point, no matter how much you wash your face, you're probably going to get some acne at some point in your life, especially if you're a teenager and going through puberty.

In some cases, if the acne isn't treated, you could suffer from acne scars. Acne scars can either be seen as discolorations of the skin, or pitted holes left behind once the acne has healed over. Neither one is good for your complexion, but thankfully there are a pimples of cures for treating acne and acne scars.

Home-made Remedies for Treating Acne

If you're suffering from acne, you'll probably acne remedies to start with a few tips for treating acne and acne scarring with home remedies. Home remedies are the most convenient treatment and they're also the cheapest. Here are a few home remedies that you could try from the comfort of your own home:

  • Honey can be used as a mask to help cure acne and reduce scarring.
  • Garlic is said to be one of the most effective acne treatments. Simply rub a clove over the pimple and leave overnight. You can also apply a Band-Aid over the pimple after you've applied the garlic and leave overnight.
  • Mix vinegar with acne cure or green tea in equal measures and apply to the skin. The vinegar will act as an antiseptic, which will hopefully clear up your acne.

Drug Store or Online Methods of Treating Acne

There are lots of different products in drug stores and online that have been developed for treating acne and scarring. pimples on your skin type and how bad your acne actually is, will in most cases determine what product is best suited for you.

However, don't be fooled by extremely expensive over the counter treatments, as there is usually a much safer, and equally potent natural cure that can be found with a little research.

In my personal search I have found many incredibly effective treatments for less many than I'd typically spend on a nice night out on the town!

For the many inquiries I receive with regard to the best natural acne solution, here is my personal recommendation: Natural Acne Cure

Jerry Jones is an Ezine expert author in the fields of dermatology, health and nutrition and has over 1,000,000 published article views.

(ARA) - Skin care needs change with the seasons. With winter drawing to a close and warm weather on the horizon, now is the time to think about updating your skin care regimen for spring.

Acne Sensitive Skin Treatment - Preventing Adverse Reactions

Acne sensitive skin treatment must be chosen with caution. Among the types of skin, the sensitive kind is the one most prone to adverse reactions or side-effects. It is blackheads prone to itching, irritation, puffiness and even peeling. If you have sensitive skin, test whatever skin product you plan to acne treatments by applying a small portion in your inner arm. If there is no adverse reaction, then it is probably safe to acne cure the product.

Everyday hygiene

Acne sensitive skin treatment should start with the proper facial wash. Choose a facial wash acne remedies is alcohol free and without emulsifiers. It is also advisable to select something that is unscented or has no strong fragrance. The ideal formula for sensitive skin would be hypoallergenic cleansing lotions or hypoallergenic facial wash. A moisturizer is also needed to keep the skin on your face smooth and supple. Choose those that are unscented and not heavy on alcohol.

Precautionary measures

If you can avoid it, don't use cosmetics. If you really need to use some, do a patch test first by applying it on you inner arm and leaving it on for a few minutes. If there is no itchiness or dryness, then it is safe to use it. Select cosmetics that are hypoallergenic. Never use cosmetics that have been kept for more than six months since bacteria could have accumulated on them and can result in your skin getting irritated.

Avoid exposing yourself directly to the sun, particularly between 10 AM and 4 PM when the light is at its strongest. Sensitive skin is very much prone to sunburn and if you happened to have pimples, they will get worse through sun exposure. If you really need to go out and expose yourself to sunlight, use water-resistant sunscreen. Again, test it on your inner arm first.

Acne Treatment Options

The best acne sensitive skin treatment are products based on essential oils and those that contain herbal extracts. Essential oils can help nourish the skin and keep it supple; while products with natural extracts can help you avoid the side effects that chemicals often cause sensitive skin. Most of these products can be purchased over the counter; however, it is advisable to seek the opinion of a dermatologist before purchasing any of these. It is also important to always test the product first since not all formulas marketed as all-natural are actually what they claim to be.

Choosing the acne sensitive skin treatment for you is not as easy as picking a tube or a bottle off the shelf. It should be acne with care and with proper consultation with a skin expert. Remember that for sensitive skin, caution is the number one requirement.

Find out more about suitable acne solutions including Natures Cure Acne Treatment at =>

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